
The Legend of My Story For Sale Now 1/2 Off Asking Price!

The events of the thing itself are unimportant. The thing is the thing, as they say in London, pudding. That's all.


Wintering in a Darkness

A gentle play on seamless carefree afternoon triumphs
Over winter the waterfall of night
Arise and wake the day, the dawn, the new
Got out and all around the suet fed a green
That isn't yet, a bridge to many more of these
Snowflake house and warmth of hearth
Console the youth for they know not
Too dear and many times removed
Remote and there for me to have
If only me, for once, when wintering were free
Again and only once for me. CWM


A Memoir, Counterpoint, and a Repast

"What better to have late at night than seared pork sirloin with chopped jalepenos, honey and blackberries on bread? I mean, what really?"
"Some say sleep is."
"Sleep is not for the hungry."
